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Pass data between modules

This page shows how to pass data between a query and a JS module, which allows you to handle and manipulate data efficiently within your JS code.


A package that has already been created. For more information, see Package and query modules tutorials.

Configure package

Follow these steps to set up JS and query modules within the package.

  1. Create a new Query module to fetch data by clicking on the + icon in the top-left corner.

Example: If you want to display product details in a chart widget based on the category selected by the user, you can create a SQL query like:

SELECT * FROM public."product" 
WHERE category = `Apparel`;
  1. Create an Input from the right-side property pane to dynamically pass data to the query.

Example: To dynamically pass category information to your query, use the inputs property as shown below:

SELECT * FROM public."product" 
WHERE category = {{inputs.category}};

Example: If you want to visualize inventory data in a chart widget, this JavaScript module fetches product details based on the selected category.

  • To access the Query module data in the JS module, use the reference properties of the query module, like:

  • To pass data from the JS module to Query modules, you can pass parameters at runtime using run(), like {{{ id: }) }}

  • To access the JS module data in the Query module, create input parameters and use them inside the query, like {{}}.

Example: If you want to transform query data into a format suitable for a Select widget, you can add a JS function like:

export default {
async fetchProductsByCategory(categoryName) {
try {
// Pass category name to Query module
const productsData = await{ category: categoryName });

// Format product data for display
const formattedProductsData = => {
return {
x: product.product_name,
y: product.stock,
// Add more fields as needed

return formattedProductsData; // Return formatted product data
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching product data:', error);
throw error; // Propagate the error for handling elsewhere if needed

This code fetches country data, formats it into a list of country names and codes, which can be reused to display the data in a Select widget.

  1. Publish the package.

  2. Open your App from the homepage and ensure that both the app and modules share the same workspace.

  3. Select the JS tab on the Entity Explorer, add the JS module, and configure it to Run on page load.

  4. Drag a Select widget and set the Source data property to fetch the data:


{{ }}

With this, you can reuse the same JS module to display a list of countries in different apps and pages.